Modelling on the superficial level portrays all the glitz and glamour. But for me, it's been so much more. It taught me invaluable qualities—charisma, confidence, compassion, presence, empathy, resilience and, most importantly, the power of self-discovery.
This unexpected path of self-authenticity is something I’m genuinely grateful for.
I feel compelled to share my modelling journey and be transparent about my insecurities because I believe that by embracing our uniqueness, we can transform what we perceive as flaws into our greatest strengths.
For a long time, I struggled with negative self-talk.
Despite being a signed professional model, I often question my self-worth. At 5’9" with scoliosis and lipoma, I thought I wasn’t good enough to be one.
Why me?
I’m not proportionally right
I’m too short
I’m not good enough
I’m not charming or charismatic enough
My skin is lumpy
I don’t have the right personality
I am not perfect
I am not masculine enough
My wrists are too small
I am too skinny
I am not as good-looking as them
What if I screw up?
What do they think of me
And the list goes on.
These thoughts made me feel like an imposter, powerless, and overly self-conscious. My lack of confidence affected my performance and made it harder to land jobs. I knew something had to change.
That’s when I realised that talent is just one piece of the puzzle. I began a profound journey of self-healing, confronting and releasing the traumas I had unknowingly locked away. This journey deepened my empathy and compassion not only for others but also for myself.
In fact, modelling gave me the opportunity to rewire my mindset and reshape my outlook on life.
One tool I’ve found particularly empowering is reframing my inner dialogue. Instead of saying,
"I am inadequate", I now tell myself:
There is inadequacy being felt because you have been unfairly compared with many of your peers in the past, but you know that is not true. You are chosen for many positive reasons, such as because you are unique and you matter.
Your feelings being felt because of the reason but how you would like to feel.
I learned this powerful technique from The Charisma Myth by Olivia Fox Cabane, and it has been instrumental in helping me break free from self-doubt.
Follow me on my journey, and I hope I will inspire you in your life.
Remember to embrace yourself, and you are beautiful regardless.
Liberate doubt.
If you're would like to collaborate?
Feel free to hit me up!
Represented by:
England: Zebedee Talent
Northern Ireland: Maureen Martin Models
Dublin: ROS Model Management